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Trixie-and-mlp-07.png - ( 247.14KB , 700x800 )
2092 No. 2092
Drawfag OP from /mlp/ here.
Got banned, guys.
Here's the last image for now. We'll need to find a better way to do this.
Laajenna kaikki kuvat
No. 2096
You're doing god's work Anon.
No. 2097
Thank you anyway drawfag.
No. 2101
Welcome back.

To continue,
It's okay from here, bring it a little closer and let me see what it can do
No. 2104
What was the winning text, Drawfag? I'd like to include it
No. 2107
god damn it. that's a stellar pic. *sighs* why'd they have to be max fags?

also, using noko...memories
No. 2108

Here's the winning text:

Meh, if we're continuing.

>if that was so simple then show me something great and powerful

I'll do a 2-3 more, please post the links for me on /mlp/
No. 2110
Good to see you back!
No. 2111
You mean Poninyymi!
No. 2113
Fuck, we were so close
No. 2114
Trixie and mlp 1.png - ( 242.65KB , 700x800 )
Shall I repost the old
No. 2116
001.png - ( 1.69MB , 2668x1916 )
No. 2117
Nah, anyone that's here has seen it
No. 2118
why not use imgur to post pics and link them to /mlp/?
No. 2120
Few questions.
When will the next thread be, how long is the ban for, and where can we contact you in case this happens again?
No. 2121
I want to see you go upside down on the pole, Trixie!
No. 2122


Shit, the capper guy isn't here anymore.

Anyone want to volunteer?
No. 2123
What language is this fucking website in?
No. 2124
You want us to post suggestions here or there?
No. 2125
OP, why then not do the entire thing at once and post it afterwards?
That way, you'll get it done, probably faster and we'll cap it fast without banning.
If you really want "interaction" you can "prepare the ground" with a text adventure or something.

Alternatively, wait a bit, the Modération is heavy right now because of THE HAPPENING, it'll probably get more lax again after the stickies and the thanky you card are gone.
No. 2126
I'm here and I'm still doing it
No. 2127
OP, please keep going. We'll move the pics to /mlp/ for you.
No. 2128
This. It'd work well, and you could get some stuff out there. Also a good general storage place for these sorts of things. Sorry to hear about the banning, OP.
No. 2129
So, now that we're here, are you CapperGen?
>stick your hand in there.
No. 2130
Been waiting for this series for a week, don't let us down op. You are glorious
No. 2131
How can I refresh this without refreshing the whole page, can't read jack
Except for VASTAA!!
No. 2132
>> 2123
mukaan google chrome (automaattinen kääntäminen) se on suomeksi myös lähettämistä suomalainen niin i dont saada kielletty
No. 2133
Janitorial Feels.png - ( 844.92KB , 960x717 )
>tfw back to the old days of having to noko and f5

I'm nostalgiaing hard here guys.

Feels and feels and feels.
No. 2134
Don't all great magicians have assistants?
I think I could help you with a thing or two.
No. 2135
google chrome works best
No. 2136
No. 2137
I hope the finns don't mind that we're using their board.
No. 2138
so far #3.jpg - ( 908.40KB , 2791x1902 )
I'm also still capping, not that I think it's needed with about 3 or 4 others also doing it.

I have no idea what these buttons say!
No. 2139
finnish country m8...VASTAAAAAAA
No. 2140
Also, OP, for future threads, loading pics on imgur and posting links in a thread might be a good way of doing things. Crotchboobs general has been doing this for months for posting nsfw pics.
No. 2141
Saammeko kielletty käyttäen englanti?
No. 2142
Trixie and mlp 2.png - ( 215.32KB , 700x800 )
Oh ok i'll post the rest up to 5 I never seen 6
No. 2143
Guys, can we post this shit in /b/?
No. 2144
We're here as a refuge. As long as we don't start fucking up their board, I don't think they'd mind one temporary topic here.
No. 2145
Shit, there's a native.
Play nice people, we're only squatting for a day.
No. 2146
Now I'm fucking banned and my cap collection got deleted there, too.

Well, any further input on this I'll be doing from here.

So pissed. Those 3 pole pics have mah dick going haywire
No. 2147
mitä täällä tapahtuu
No. 2148
This, go with Imgur, or any image hosting site, and roll with it that way.
No. 2149
Trixie and mlp 3.png - ( 82.19KB , 700x800 )
Where is Op?
No. 2150
No. 2151
Trixie-and-mlp-08.png - ( 251.13KB , 700x800 )

Here's another one!
Using this website is kind of confusing.
No. 2152
Drawing most likely
I wonder how much traffic this site gets
No. 2153
Well to get this thread going:


Oh, it's great and powerful alright, Trixie, but I know you can do better. Why don't you show me that great and powerful pussy?
No. 2154
Pick a card Trixie, any card, it's the only one, it's hard, and you're bound to love it
No. 2155
>not bending her over and giving her the dick
You know what to do OP.
No. 2156
I think that's one of us, if Google Translate is right. Trying to ask if English can get us banned.

Olemme täällä vain väliaikaisesti (we are only here temporarily)
No. 2157
I think it's time for her to make that dick disappear if you catch my drift.
No. 2158
revving intensifies.jpg - ( 58.12KB , 315x310 )
No. 2159
001.png - ( 1.96MB , 3000x1916 )
No. 2160
Let us show you how powerful we can make you with our..... power
No. 2161
Time for sexing.
No. 2162
Propose to do a card #4 on a card #2 leading to a card #1.
No. 2163

Why don't you do some sort of disappearing spell on #1? Your mouth looks like a great place for that kind of spell.
No. 2164
Please repost new pics to /mlp/ so people can stay in touch
No. 2165
Trixie and mlp 4.png - ( 165.48KB , 700x800 )
Based Op can you please repost 6 I did not capture that one
No. 2166
Jesus Christ this site. How do I shot web?
No. 2167
frontal shot, back to pole pls
No. 2168
yes, now I bet you can't make the entire dick disappear down your throat, I assume a Great and Powerful unicorn such as yourself could, but if not I'm sure Twilight could
No. 2169
I'll upload shit on db as it pops up
No. 2170
I think there is a new mod or a temp mod because of the happening, he might not be here next time
No. 2171
May someone post the front shot of Trixie?
No. 2172
4chan on parhaillaan merkitsee meille koska Lauren Faust ratsian hallituksen eilen. Joten meidän täytyy lähettää tänne hetkeksi. Vilpittömät pahoittelut. Pysymme siviili-ja se on vain väliaikaista. Soita se aselepo? Pyydän anteeksi huonoa suomea.
No. 2173
Drawfag, just a suggestion - since this site is like going 4 years backwards, you might want to just say ahead of time which suggestion you are taking for the next image once you select it
No. 2174
Anteeksi, 4chan on lähettämistä täällä. Toivottavasti se on okei. Oli Trixie porno lanka ja se sai poistettu, joten olemme sen tänne juuri nyt.
No. 2175
Trixie and mlp 5.png - ( 251.00KB , 700x800 )
This is the last one i'm missing #6
No. 2176
Damnit, what are they saying, anyone here speak Finnish?
No. 2177

I would love to smell that pole after that.
No. 2178
so far #4.jpg - ( 1.05MB , 2839x2852 )
So is there still winning posts? Cause I'm capping blindly here.
No. 2179
top lel
No. 2180
1360635607911.png - ( 185.14KB , 879x908 )
This lack of autorefresh
No. 2181
trixie06.png - ( 293.83KB , 700x800 )
here is 6
No. 2182

Drawfag, how long are you banned for?

I hope its not to long since you were posting on our behalf and such.
No. 2184
There are only two natives who have posted in this thread so far.

All the others are us using translate to apologize and tell them we're only here temporarily.
No. 2185
Okei, kiva piirustukset :)
No. 2186

I feel like the eye in this one wasn't finished...
No. 2187
Yes it sucks ...anyway what can we do at this point. Why did some anonyymi recommend this site...shouldn't that guy know how to speak Finnish?
No. 2188
I think she is winking, mate.
No. 2189

OP, he likes your work
No. 2190
Olet mahtava
Terveisiä Kaliforniasta
No. 2191
kiitos, nauti esityksestä
No. 2192
Kiitos! Olen iloinen, että pidät siitä. :3
No. 2193
295231__UNOPT__safe_rarity_reaction-image_happy_yes.jpg - ( 53.34KB , 489x444 )
Jumala siunatkoon te loistava suomalainen paskiaiset.
No. 2194
Trixie-and-mlp-09.png - ( 243.82KB , 700x800 )

Guys, don't worry I'll continue drawing until the usual hour (50 more minutes).
Also don't worry about upcoming threads, I'll explain more in my next post.
No. 2195

Not that eye. The other, open eye, is missing all the iris and pupil detail. It just looks odd to me, idk. Not complaining, just wondering if it was meant to be tht way
No. 2196
This is actually really neat! Connecting to a Finnish board who enjoys the same as us.

Tämä on oikeastaan ​​todella siisti! Liittäminen Suomen hallitus, joka nauttii sama kuin meille.
No. 2197
1335135895034.jpg - ( 32.33KB , 262x247 )
These past few days with /mlp/ have been a great adventure guys.
From THE HAPPENING, to this exile trip.
Great work horsefuckers
No. 2198

Here I was hoping for some ass play/anal.
No. 2199
Oh lord, easy there. We don't know how well it translates culturally.
No. 2200
Well, those pics are always sketchy.

Plus we have a colourfag or two to put some finish.
No. 2201
>that tat above her vag
N-no fair! I wanted to save myself for when the action started but I'm having serious issues with keeping my hands off myself now.
No. 2202
Oh boy here it goes
Vag against the pole, just like that. Her body arching in pleasure
No. 2203
001.png - ( 2.27MB , 2910x3000 )
No. 2204
Yes! vaginal!
No. 2205
How about a magic trick where my dick disappears inside of you.
No. 2206

See #1 here? I have this awesome trick where I can make it disappear...

I'll be needing an assistant for this trick though. Trixie?

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