Postaan vähäsen gorea, jos ei haittaa.
>>14 Söimme muuten viime ponimiitissä metwurstia.
>>15 Oliko ponin vai hevosenlihaa?
>>16 En tiedä.
tämä lienee pakollinen tänne
Guroahan ei ole koskaan liikaa
>>51 Sattuisiko löytymään niitä muita amnesiakuvia? Eli Dash ja Pinkie pie.
>>54 Dash
>>54 Pinkie
>>57 >>59 >>60 Kiitos paljon.
>>60 "Hide n Seek, Hide n Seek..."
Amnesiasta voisi luonnollisesti jatkaa silent hillin puolelle
>>68 Mihin tämä perustuu? En ole pelannut Silent Hillejä.
Rarity-langan insipiroimana
On muuten hieno kuva.
Paras lanka on paras.
Lankaanhan on selvästi tullut eloa! Hieno juttu.
>>418 Juu, laitoin muutaman kuvan bumppina niin muutkin ilmeisesti innostuivat laittamaan. Harmi että melkein kaikki kuvat mitä multa löytyy on jo postattu.
Pari sarjakuvaa
>>423 Tämä on niin eeppinen.
>>425 Tekee järkeä sinäänsä että jos tuo olisi totta niin se tasaisi hyvin myös eri ponirotujen välisiä voimasuhteita. Olivathan nekin aiemmin konfliktissa toistensa kanssa.
>>426 Sanoisin kyllä että kuolemattomuus ei kovin usein tasoita mitään voimasuhteita
Ilman maaponeja kukaan ei söisi. Maaponit ovat myös keskimäärin fyysisesti voimakkaampia kuin muut. Proleja siis.
>>433 Niin, perustin tuon väitteen sille (omakeksimälle) oletukselle että vaikkei maaponi välttämättä varsinaisesti siitä kuolisikaan niin pään irtileikkaaminen ja sen kuljettaminen muualle muusta ruumiista/hautaaminen maahan saisi maaponin täysin toimintakyvyttömäksi. Ihan reilu ominaisuus ottaen huomioon että pegasuksilla on siivet tarkoittaen että maaponit eivät edes pysty hyökkäämään Cloudsdalen kaltaiseen kaupunkiin JA yksisarvisilla taas on teleportti (mitä ei ilmeisesti pysty kuitenkaan käyttämään ihan nonstoppina koska drawback) ja telekineesi, molemmat hyviä kykyjä myös sodankäyntiin.
>>511 Hiljaseks veti...
>>511 Nauroin. Tämä paha?
Semmosta tällä kertaa.
En yleensä tykkää goresta, mutta ajattelin että muutama ote Dwarf Fortressin ponimod-kommuunipelistä sopii tänne liian hyvin missattavaksi: Virtue's Diary - 16th Timber, 252 I've been dreading this day since the moment I decided to found this settlement. It was inevitable that tragedy would strike us eventually, but that doesn't lessen the sting in the least. It pains me to even record here what happened. Brook was out by the river fishing today, as she does most every day. Nopony saw the thief until it was too late, and it was clear that Brook was slain without knowing what hit her. Hickory happened across the aftermath, where the monster was picking over her body. The scene she described was sickening. Halberd and Naginata jumped into action, and at the very least they slew the thief in turn. It's little consolation. I've arranged for a small ceremony for her tomorrow morning. Nopony deserved what happened to her.
16th Obsidian, 253 I feel sick. Falcata was very badly wounded today, and Panacea doesn't know if she is going to live. I feel terrible... if we'd finished the wall by now, or had a decent set of barding for our militia, this would have never happened. I didn't want to see the battle, but I was walking out of my office right as it happened. Two more of those cursed badger pony thieves bypassed our incomplete wall and were wandering toward the dorms. Halberd spotted them immediately, and the entire militia ran off to engage them. I was trying not to look at this point, but I couldn't help it. The first thief went down almost instantly, but the second was a lot more tenacious. He stabbed Sarissa in the hoof with his dagger before a precise strike from Halberd spilled his guts. Beyond belief, it found the strength to strike out again, catching Falcata in the side with its dagger and spilling blood everywhere. Naginata finished it off with a buck to the head, but the damage was done. I don't think I've ever seen anything so horrible. Falcata stumbled a few steps, clutching at the wound in her side and making the most pitiful hollow gasps I've ever heard. I don't think I'll ever forget her expression... the panic at being unable to breathe... and choking on blood. She started coughing it up everywhere, and by this time I was running, screaming for Panacea. I found the pegasus inside the hospital where she was supposed to be, and as Splinter helped Falcata inside, Panacea all but shoved us out the door and ordered us not to come in until she said so. That was hours and hours ago. I now regret building my office next to the hospital, I can hear her still working on poor Falcata. If that pony survives... I... I don't know what I'll do. At least the rainbow pony caravan that showed up later took out the third thief, lurking outside our drawbridge entrance. Their bolts flushed it into one of the traps Flux set up, and at least the trap did its job. I asked Halberd to get somepony to clean up the mess, I don't even want to think about it right now. 17th Obsidian, 253 Panacea came to me this morning, covered in blood and clearly fighting to stay awake. She told me that she thinks Falcata will live. It's still too early to tell, but her odds look fair. I feel tremendously relieved, but I also still feel guilty. If I was managing this place better, she would have been protected from that. I've sent out orders immediately for more barding for our militia. It can't come soon enough. I heard that Naginata gave birth this morning too, to a pegasus colt named Verdant Flash. Panacea was exhausted from the effort, I'm sure. She said the stress from the fight brought on early labor, which makes sense. I think I need to speak with Naginata about resigning from the militia. She has a family now, and I don't want her to leave them in a tragic manner. And if she's willing to charge into combat, heavily pregnant as she was, it's only bound to turn bad sooner than later.
>>970 Hieman offtoppikkia... Mistä johtuu, että jotkut turrit tekevät poneista vihataidetta, vaikka bronit eivät tee samoin? Eikö tämä vain syvennä vihaa toista fandomia kohtaan, jos ajatellaan maalaisjärjellä. Jos minä en tee vihaa muille, miksi he tekevät meille?
>>972 Ehkä 1.Identiteettikriisi/kateus tai 2.Useammin turrit ovat katkeria hikkyjä kuin bronit
>>972 Minua ei ainakaan haittaa jos turrit tekevät poneista tähän lankaan sopivaa materiaalia.
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