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Ikkuna Sivu

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 (lankaan 13989)
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Kirjoita kenttään alleviivattu osa videon osoitteesta:
Salasanaa tarvitaan AP-tagia ja viestin tai kuvan poistoa varten

17aea7ef8909a48224ab2e0505990c88-d55ff4o.png - ( 58.07KB , 603x754 )
13989 No. 13989
Come to our chan at Mewch.net
We need some new users

If the admin of this board would please leave this post up
Then thank you.

Come funpost with us?

Laajenna kaikki kuvat
No. 13998
en nyt ymmarra.jpg - ( 28.63KB , 576x432 )
Legit question, how the hell do the advertisers of these small boards find their way to this board? I mean, we're fucking minuscule even in the Finnish chan culture.

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