Hai, finns! Its your oversea-NEIGHbour ponies, the Estonians. Just tellin' that bronies exist in estonia too.
O hai thar
Helloo. Do you haz the dubbed programs yet?
Tere tulemast! Did i say that right?
Yes, we do. Oh god, the most horrible dub ever, so we watch the English version. We also fandubbed it. THREAD APPROVAL TIME
Yes, cheerilee, you did.
>>302 Yay! I at least know a few estonian words! Mahtavaa! And i love your little country, even though you're across the sea.
Hey there fellow Finnish neighbors, an Estonian brony here. I might aswell take this post to call out any Estonian fellow who uses Ponilauta, I run this steam group where I plan to gather as much members as possible for a possible meet-up and misc. events. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/MlpEstonia
Kas sa räägid soome keelt?
Kas sa kopoteled hebugoile?
>>326 >hebugoile
Why U so cute Estonia?
>Come to finnish meetups >Sell booze for afterpartiers >???? >PROFIT
Hingeroostes. Krikin kaja pöhö! <3
Estonia is one of the few other countries on earth except Finland that I approve.
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