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1328371051001.png - ( 5.66KB , 704x837 )
436 No. 436
that feel when no gf
Laajenna kaikki kuvat
No. 437
rainbow_dash_brush_by_tina_the_kat-d425c2k.gif - ( 271.29KB , 200x200 )
Just press the picture.
No. 438
Applejack7.jpg - ( 234.27KB , 811x985 )
Care to tell us your home country/state, OP?
Not that it matters but i am interested since no flags.
And yes, i know that feel.
No. 439
Feels good man, i'm free as the wind.
No. 440
132130207911.png - ( 91.57KB , 492x750 )
I pretty much agree. Without gf, you don't spend extra-money, you have all time in the world and you can do what ever you want!

Expect, with gf, you have something to talk, care and love. Only issue with me is that, there is no females in my habbitat, who care about motorcycles and cars.
No. 441
assburger.jpg - ( 7.98KB , 107x150 )
I'm so ashamed that you have to see this /int/.
No. 442
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Girls don't usually care about motorcycles and cars, except lesbians.
No. 443
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That seems to be a issue. I would like to date tomboyish-elements owning girl, but not total tomboy, who look totaly like a boy.
No. 444
Rarity1.png - ( 85.12KB , 327x267 )
>implies there is a foreigner seeing this
No. 445
angry_potato.png - ( 9.20KB , 488x432 )
This wasn't a krautchan meme -thread?
No. 446
But ponilauta cannot into space. Ponilauta cannot even into good posting frequency!
No. 540
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Hi Bernd
No. 541
76435676453567.jpg - ( 36.02KB , 600x469 )
Was it necessary to necro-bump this thread?
No. 542
this is not KC /int/

only there we can know that feel.
No. 543
200_Saunalahden-nettitikku.jpg - ( 4.20KB , 200x180 )
Does KC still have rangeban for finland?
>mfw when cant cry to the mods coz this fucker changes my ip everytime it reconnects
No. 574
1330208000028.png - ( 163.34KB , 348x362 )
No. 583
That feel when potential girlfriends attracted to you, that you are not intrested in meanwhile as the girls you are intrested in smoke, have serious problems or are taken.

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