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572 No. 572
Why cant everyone on Earth just learn and speak English instead of hundreds of different languages?

Every language's vocabulary has already been translated and transcribed into English so we can always just use an auto-translator to read archaic texts, literature and/or document. No "culture" will be lost.

Its not like as if there are many Finns out there who actively seek out ancient Finnish literature to begin with. Even if people had interest in such things, the technology and means needed to translate texts of a foreign language is readily accessible.
Laajenna kaikki kuvat
No. 573
Fluttershy that's nice.jpg - ( 39.58KB , 500x500 )
>Its not like as if there are many Finns out there who actively seek out ancient Finnish literature to begin with.
Finn recognized.
No. 575
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Because English is such a limited language.
It lacks proper words for everyday concepts like "myötähäpeä" (often clumsily translated as vicarious embarrasment) and "vahingonilo" (having to resort to the german schadenfreude word instead).

Also it's extremely clumsy to speak in a gender neutral manner using English.

Furthermore, it's pointless that the words are very often written and pronounced in a completely different way.
No. 576
mlfw519_131217742005.png - ( 125.03KB , 476x514 )
>words are very often written and pronounced in a completely different way
No. 577
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What's the point in replying a troll thread?
No. 578
For lulz
No. 579
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Because they're the only threads posted and replied to these days.

The good days have gone past this board.
No. 580
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>implying that Ponilauta has had good days
No. 582
> Every language's vocabulary has already been translated and transcribed into English so we can always just use an auto-translator to read archaic texts, literature and/or document. No "culture" will be lost.

Goofy... Haven't we talked about this?
No. 602
Languages are like charsets.

If the charset is wrong, you cant figure out what some text means. And if you can't communicate with some language, you can't understant what somepony who uses that language is trying to tell you.

And somepony said that english is limited language. So are charsets too.
Some charsets doesn't have ä or ö, for example.

And, wtf im writing about.
No. 604
As if Finnish didn't lack the words for just as many common concepts like "procrastination".
No. 605
"procrastination" = "viivyttely"
No. 606
Too broad and nonspecific. When you say "procrastination", people immediately recognise the concept. With "viivyttely", you have to explain that you mean a special kind of stalling where you put off an uncomfortable task, etc.
No. 607
That's not true. No explanation is needed.
No. 608
Only if your exact meaning is clear from the context. Still, it's a much broader term than "procrastination".
No. 609
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Isint this exactly what Hitler wanted?

That there would be just one language?
and no jews?
No. 612
in that specific case, "sluibaaminen"
No. 613
But it's slang and as such, it's not that common.
No. 614
Still, it's a Finnish word for that specific meaning.
See if you can find an English slangword for "myötähäpeä".
No. 1062
No. 1063
TTETT-TET-ET.jpg - ( 175.20KB , 500x444 )
>vastaa lankaan yli puolitoista vuotta edellisen viestin jälkeen
No. 1069
Vastaa lankaan joka on etusivulla
No. 1071
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>>1062 Thanks!
t. >>604

>>1063 >>1069 Täs pitää tietää spämmääjistä johtuvat piilopunppaukset. Kuva liittyy
No. 1072
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I guess "aikaansaamattomuus" is actually the most accurate Finnish term for it.

t. >>575

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