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Pony - Countries Comparison (Combined).png - ( 4.39MB , 900x6300 )
667 No. 667
I made this:
Laajenna kaikki kuvat
No. 740
Future Twilight smile.png - ( 519.20KB , 3000x3000 )
Why is Rainbow Dash = Russia?

Other than them being total attention-whoring faggots?
No. 742
Russia (RD) is chief physical rival of USA (AJ). Also, Russia is one of the most masculine countries and RD is the most masculine pony of the Mane 6.
No. 743
Pinkietä naurattaa.png - ( 116.76KB , 802x996 )
Well, you got Sweden right

You could have used the Stereoid-pony as Russia but whatever.
No. 774
Pony - Countries Comparison (Combined).png - ( 5.15MB , 900x7350 )
Updated, now with Season 3 action:
No. 1040
Oh lol XD I hope you update it when S4 is over XDD
No. 1041
>not Berry Punch
Meh, a Spike is fine too.

Most of those I agree with; the rest I just didn't recognise.
No. 1056
berry_punch_discovers_the_internet_by_celticfan91-d63jqxe[1].png - ( 136.73KB , 1024x882 )
>not Berry Punch

This is an insult to all the Finns who drink themselves to death each year!

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