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No. 788
  Japanese dub is out now. What do you think about it?

Alternative link
Part 1: http://youtu.be/nD4m53M05T8
Part 2: http://youtu.be/AieW3YDIHMw

Episode 2 is on next week.
Laajenna kaikki kuvat
No. 789
  And can Finnish dub make a good alternative to Japanese dub?
No. 790
Ponianimuu.jpg - ( 177.67KB , 1024x787 )
I thought casting Emiri Katous was a strange choice (voice of Kagami from Lucky Star and Kuybey from Madoka Magica) but now that I heard how moe she can get I'm glad they casted her.

Princess Celestia sounds even sexier than before, and Twilight has an awesome heroine voice. Pinkie's voice was just as I imagined it would be.

All in all, 5/5 from this otaku/animefag
No. 791
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The Japanese dub was fantastic and I especially liked the intro 6/5. Definitely worth a watch even though I didn't understand a single word.
No. 792
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>konnichiwa, watashi wa Twairaito Sparkuru
No. 793
ansaitset 20 prosenttia.png - ( 84.00KB , 352x360 )
>Watashi na owo kawai neko desu konichiwa Appurujacku-chan natade kudu wa niko sedemu sa nogo kina desu ne

Ching chang chung chäng chöng
Kauhea hypetys yhdestä vitun dupista, mikä siinä Japanissa nyt niin kiihottaa?
Ei ansaitse tälläistä kulttipalvontaa.
No. 794
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at least the new intro is better than original
No. 795
Then what do you prefer? English dub, Finnish dub or Japanese dub? And can the Finnish dub be a good alternative when something isn't right in Japanese dub?
No. 796
Twilight Sparkle2.png - ( 376.43KB , 1600x1434 )

English is the best dub. Japanese dub is good, but doesn't really fit, and Finnish dub is shit.

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