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 (to thread 969)
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pinkie_pie_again_by_moongazeponies-d3jpf4z.png - ( 242.42KB , 1280x931 )
969 No. 969
Pinkie Pie appears!
> What to do?
Laajenna kaikki kuvat
No. 970
pokerface.png - ( 24.56KB , 672x1042 )
I'd just stand there staring like a retard until she does something.
No. 971
Pinkie on the street.png - ( 5.23MB , 2388x1592 )
In addition to the standard pony encouter protocol of "How did you get here and can I get to equestria with you?", I would keep an eye out for any kind of fourth wall breaks because they would have some drastic existential implications.
No. 972
No. 973
1367019987159.jpg - ( 51.00KB , 359x305 )
Use Master Ball.

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